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I am Chris Wheal, known on Twitter and elsewhere as Whealie.

I am an award-winning  freelance journalist, editor, trainer and consultant – most recently highly commended online journalist of the year at the 2018 British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) awards.

I run my own business, Wheal Associates, with my wife Kate.  We write and edit for a range of publishing companies and we produce magazines for small professional membership organisations, such as the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA).

Early starts

I have been interim managing editor of MoneySuperMarket (2019). I launched AOL Money and continued blooging on it for years. In May 2012 I finished a 10-month stint as acting news editor (maternity cover) on insurance title Post Magazine, starting at 8am, three days a week. For two years I wrote Insurance Times’ early morning news between 6 am and 8am.

I provide media training to commercial companies and I train journalists and others in writing and online skills.

I was the founding chair of the NUJ’s Professional Training Committee (ProfCom) in 2002 and only stood down in 2016. I continue to chair the union’s charity, NUJ Extra. I also serve on the board of the Broadcast Journalism Training Council (BJTC).

Outside work

When not working, I help run motorbike forums – previously as moderator of the xrv.org.uk forum for Honda enthusiasts and now for bigtrailie.co.uk for adventure motorcyclists. I own two 1991 Honda Africa Twins (the XRV-750), both painted like a zebra, as well as a Honda CRF 250 Rally. I volunteer for the Trail Riders Fellowship (TRF).

I am a vice-president (VP) at Charlton Park Rugby Football Club.

I am a big family man and spend a lot of time cooking meals at home. I was a vegetarian for 32 years, but now enjoy the full range of meat and fish, as well as fine wine and real ale.

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